Monday, May 11, 2009


I am done! My hair has grown about 3/4 of an inch. I am still alive. It's a sunny spring day and finally, I'm off my ass and headed outdoors!

Thanks to all of you, J & K, hubby Dan, Lili & Nora, cousin Ellen, Myron, Amber, Rebecca and loads of other folks who supported me through this really taxing process. Glad it's over (bet you are too).

Here's to wasting lots of paper, and learning way too much about myself!
Bye-bye now.

Monday, May 4, 2009


This is a photo of my first conceptual map for my thoughts for research. It is amazing how far away from these ideas I feel I wandered only to realize now I remain in this topography. It is also amazing how after so much inquiry, writing, and theorizing I continue to feel far away from anything that is complete. I suppose I am caught the hermineutical delight of qualitative research and the reality of lived-experience as evaporative. Editing is so much more enjoyable for me. It feels productive.